Dear District 45 Members,
A few years ago we put together a new website for Vermont Lions to tell our story at The go-to guy for that was Lion Randy Bigelow. He’s been the man behind the curtain ensuring the site gets updated regularly with news of club events. It has been a lot of work and Lion Randy is stepping aside to allow others to continue managing the website. He is continuing his work with the Middlebury Lions as well as the vision project for the District. He’s not going anywhere. Thank you Lion Randy!
District Governor Ken would like to invite all Cabinet Officers, Club Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and Membership Chairs, Past District Governors, Lions, Spouses and Guests to the 4th Cabinet Meeting of the 2019 – 2020 Lions Year.
Three Springfield Lions captured the Traveling Lion from Vergennes Lions January 8th earning 522 points (87x2x3).
The Lion will be available for capture on Tuesday, February 4, at 6 p.m. at the Springfield VFW. The meal costs $13. Please notify President Mike Martin, NO LATER THAN Saturday, February 1, by calling 802-885-4332 or email
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