Colchester and Essex Jct. Lions joined the Georgia Lions on September 10th to serve festival food and friendship.
Fellow Lions:
I talked with Nate Miles of LCIF. On Saturday 8/27 an initial emergency relief check was issued to the Lions of Texas in the amount $100,000.
LCIF officials participated on a call yesterday with the Texas Leadership. Most of the area is still inaccessible so Lions activities are still being determined. They have formed a committee and soon will be able to assess the areas in which they will offer support. Lots of opportunities and they will need to coordinate with the other organizations also doing relief work. This will limit the duplication of efforts.
The 2017 Orleans Lions annual horseshoe tournament held at the northern end of Lake Willoughby, Westmore, VT was a great success. In addition to the competition, spectators enjoyed good food, a fun Lions raffle, and a - Farrel chair?
1st place team: Rob and Marty .
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