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Providing Information to D45 Lions

Dear District 45 Members,

A few years ago we put together a new website for Vermont Lions to tell our story at The go-to guy for that was Lion Randy Bigelow. He’s been the man behind the curtain ensuring the site gets updated regularly with news of club events. It has been a lot of work and Lion Randy is stepping aside to allow others to continue managing the website. He is continuing his work with the Middlebury Lions as well as the vision project for the District. He’s not going anywhere. Thank you Lion Randy!

Stepping up to the plate to help keep the website updated are Lion Denny Lyster (Troy & Area Lions Club) and PCT Brenda Seitz (Brattleboro Area Lions Club). We welcome them and thank them for their service as well as offer a big tip of the hat to Lion Randy for all he has done, and continues to do, for Lionism in Vermont!

How can you help?

Provide us with information! The deadline for the Communiqué is the 25th of each month. (Note the change in the deadline date.) But, there is no deadline for submissions to the website as we have a "rolling deadline" that allows us to keep the site updated whenever articles are passed along to us.

Now, how can you provide us with information and what are we looking for? Well, here's a simple answer: Anything Lions related!

That means items for the website calendar, articles about past, present and future events your club is involved with... basically, anything that tells the story of Lionism in Vermont is fair game.

As DG Ken Emery says "Our website and our Communiqué is for our members, our clubs, our various groups to get the word out about what is happening. Please submit as much, and as often, of what is happening in our District."

OK. We've told you what we'd like. How do you submit items for the website? It actually is pretty easy and there are two ways to do so:

  1. Submit articles directly to the website. Go to and look for Web Submissions. Simply click on the button labeled "Submit your article or picture" and the page that opens will walk you through the process which will only take you a few minutes. You can either write your submission directly on the page or you can upload an article you've already written by attaching it, and pictures if you like.
  2. You can email your articles, pictures or calendar events. For articles and photos, please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For events to be included on our website calendar, please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In both cases, be as descriptive as possible! Tell your story as best you can and we'll help make you and your club look good. (It might be helpful if your club had a designated spokesperson to help pass along events. We want to make sure every club gets its fair mention!)

Guidelines: When submitting a story, plain text is best. We'll add the formatting to make it fit. Photos should be sharp, in-focus and relevant to the Lions Club. They can be any size up to 1600 x 1600 pixels. Picture formats accepted are JPG, PNG and GIF. If you have a suggested caption to go along with your picture please submit it as separate text. Don't add the caption to the photo itself.

We want you to succeed and are happy to answer questions about how best to publicize your local club. Questions may be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Help Wanted - Communiqué Editor

D45 is looking for a new Communiqué Editor.

Current editor PCS Carol Greene is taking the FVDG position and will need to step down from editing the monthly newsletter. The job requires a few hours each month and training will be provided. If you're willing to help, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Will you help? Interested or want to learn more? Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.