lionlogo 2csmallDistrict 45 of Lions Clubs International

We Serve AND Do Good Deeds!

- by Lion Michael Cabral

Colchester Lions Club joined with our Chartered Colchester Boy Scout Troop 601 on March 4 at a combined joint Dinner Meeting.   Our objective was to have the Scouts, leaders, IMG 4706smparents and Lions learn more about each other’s organization and how we complement each other - Scout’s mantra of  ‘Do Good Deeds’ and Lion’s Motto ‘We Serve’ illustrate that so well.

We melded our opening with a brief Greeting to Lions, Scouts and families followed by the Scout Troop forming and posting of the Colors, Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath by the Scouts and the Lions provided the Invocation and a Lions Toast.   Then, pizza, salad and dessert!

IMG 4707smOur Assistant Scoutmaster, Matt Whelihan, provided a very interesting summary of what Scouting is about and his journey, our Troop’s Activities and Future Plans.  This was followed by our Boy Scout Eagle Candidate Seb Jacobs review of his journey to the pinnacle of Boy Scouting Rank of Eagle Scout.  On March 10th, Seb concluded his Official review and was awarded his Eagle Scout Rank. This was followed by an Eight Knot Tying  Challenge Demonstration by all our Scouts.

Our meeting didn’t end there. District Governor Ken Emery provided a review of Lion’s International History and discussed his role in Vermont, what Lions are and what they do plus he had our King Lion Carmelita Belisle and members provide examples of how our Local Club helps our Community. IMG 4705sm

King Lion Carmelita Belisle presented a check to the Troop 601 Committee Chairman Lynn Conant, Assistant Scoutmasters Matt Whelihan and  Peter Bruhn to help purchase new equipment and support a summer planned camping trip.

We take tremendous pride in Chartering Our Scout Troop 601! I highly recommend if you Charter a Boy Scout Troop or Cub Scout Pack that you have a joint meeting!   Even if you're not chartering them, invite your local Boy or Girl Scouting organizations to a meeting and get to know them!