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ToolboxTools for Club Program Development


We need your help to prepare for the LCIF Super Raffle

We are preparing for our 13th Annual LCIF Super Raffle and Banquet. This is the district’s largest annual LCIF campaign and traditionally earns about $10,000 for our international foundation. Once again the grand prize will be a $1,500 cash award, but everyone attending the gala will be a winner. You can make the evening a success by helping us solicit vendor gifts for use as additional prizes.

Vendor gifts should have a value of no less than $100. Vendor donations are 501(c)(3) tax deductible and the vendor will be recognized at the Super Raffle Banquet. In addition the vendor logo or name will be placed on our LCIF Super Raffle sponsor page online. Vendors donating gifts in excess $250 (fair market value) will receive a receipt of their contribution for tax purposes. There is no legal requirement for gift acknowledgements for contributions of less than $250 (but we can provide one if requested).

Here’s a handy handout to use while approaching vendors.

Please keep PDG Ken Emery informed about donations you receive by calling 802-578-7483 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.