Each year District 45 Lions Clubs are challenged to relieve hunger by holding food drives to help restock local food shelves.
What can your club do?
1) Designate a Food From the Heart Chairman and committee members. Share that information with the
2) Select a date, or dates for your club's food drive. The District likes to focus on a February drive (Valentines day...heart...get it?), but every food drive you participate in throughout the year is eligible for contest purposes.
3) Partner with local grocers to be able to set up food drive tables outside of their establishment. You will find that grocers generally enjoy supporting the effort, particularly if you have table at all the local grocers on the same date. Studies prove that their revenue increases on days where there is a food drive.
4) Contact the
5) Have a tip jar handy and donate the proceeds to the food shelf. Many shoppers will donate to the food shelf in lieu of adding to their shopping list.
6) Weigh your collected foods (most food shelves have a scale for this purpose) and report your total weight and total donation to the
7) Promote your efforts! Recognize your local partners and your club members for their efforts.