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Lions and LCIF are Responding To Hurricane Harvey

Whenever and wherever disasters strike, Lions and LCIF are among the first to offer aid.

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Fellow Lions:

I talked with Nate Miles of LCIF. On Saturday 8/27 an initial emergency relief check was issued to the Lions of Texas in the amount $100,000.

LCIF officials participated on a call yesterday with the Texas Leadership. Most of the area is still inaccessible so Lions activities are still being determined. They have formed a committee and soon will be able to assess the areas in which they will offer support. Lots of opportunities and they will need to coordinate with the other organizations also doing relief work. This will limit the duplication of efforts.

They are recommending donations go to LCIF-Disaster Relief. You should mark “Hurricane Harvey” or “Texas” on the memo line. All funds to disaster relief will be tracked and set aside for this effort, regardless of notation. All funds will go to relief efforts from Harvey, so long as the local Lions have projects and request support.

We will keep everyone appraised of progress. Please advise myself of your donations, or send your donation check to me to forward to headquarters. We would like to keep track of the donations from Vermonters. Donate Now

Our thoughts and prayers go to all those in Texas.

Yours in Lionism,

PID Tom Broughton
D45 LCIF Chairman