Whitingham-Halifax Lions Club honored at D45 Convention
After a highly successful membership drive on March 19th, the Whitingham-Halifax Lions welcomed 21 new members to the club, nearly doubling in size as a result. “Our new Lions are men and women with a diverse range of ages and backgrounds,” said Lion Alan Stewart of Wilmington, who led the membership effort. “We are all very excited to have this incredible influx of energy and talent.”
On May 6, the Club was formally honored by the Vermont Lions leadership at the District’s spring convention at the Grand Summit Hotel at Mt. Snow for bringing in more new members than any other club in the state.
In addition to the towns of Whitingham and Halifax, the Lions Club welcomes members from local towns that do not currently have clubs, including Wilmington, Dover and Searsburg. The Club is active in community service and fundraising for the Deerfield Valley Food Pantry, The Gathering Place, vision screening in local schools and other local charities.
Webmaster’s Note: Go to the Membership section of the Club Toolbox and check out the awesome invitation that was used to announce their membership drive.