Granville Lions Club Invitational Golf Outing
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The Granville Lions Club is hosting its first ever “Granville Lions Ciub Invitational Golf Outing” on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the Lake St. Catherine Country Club. This new event will help support the club’s charitable work in our community, including donations to the Pember Library & Museum, Haynes House of Hope, Slate Valley Museum, annual college scholarships for graduating seniors, and many more.
The Granville Lions Club Invitational Golf Outing will be a Four Person Scramble, $300 per team of 4 ($75.00 per player) includes 18 holes with Cart & Lunch. Lunch will include the choice of two entrees. Enclosed please find a Team Registration Form.
Early Registration is encouraged as this outing will be capped at 22 foursomes. Please mail your Registration form and Check to: Lion Philip Weaver, 7565 State Route 149, Granville, New York 12832. Registration will be based on a first come first serve basis, so please register early.
If you should have any questions please call, text or e-mail me at (518) 361-6851,
Phil Weaver, President
Granville Lions Club
August Cabinet Meeting Registration Deadline
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Heartland Lions Delivers Another Bench
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Heartland Lions are still collecting plastic. They have now earned 7 benches so far. PDG Walter Hastings and Lions Mark Wood and Stuart Levasseur are shown here delivering a bench to the Brightwood Home in South Royalton, a housing for the elderly. The Heartland Lions continue to collect plastic for this service project.
Londonderry Tri-Mountain Lions Duck Derby
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This is our major fundraiser for the year. The weather started out rainy, soon cleared to a lovely balmy morning. We were fortunate to have the new District Governor, Kathy Dorman and members of her cabinet, Travis Wood and son, Deb Savery and Manchester 's Steve Nichols show up to help our 9 Tri-MTN club members. Travis was driving ticket sellers in his patriotically decorated golf cart; other sellers were accompanied by member in duck costume. All of this being down through the crowd of people waiting for the 4th of July Parade to start. Directly after the Parade, the 500+ ducks were dumped into the very slow-moving stream. The three winners were notified and were given their prize monies. !st place $250.00 David Paige, Londonderry, 2nd place 100.00, Tyler Keith Andover, and 3rd $50.00 Ryan Blanchard Londonderry. Thank you to all who supported us in this fundraiser. See you next July.
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